If this is your first time using the cash journal, you will receive a screen prompting you to enter a company code and cash journal. Menu pathĪccounting – Financial Accounting – Banks – Incomings – Cash Journal
In this section, we show you how to access the cash journal and acquaint you with the features, tabs and fields of the transaction. Single-screen layout allows for easy entry, display and change.Saved cash journal transactions can be deleted with proper authorization.
Two-step procedure of save then post helps avoid mistakes.
Entries are very quick and easy via customized business transactions. Daily cash position, including opening balance, total receipts, total payments and closing balance, is automatically calculated by the system. Daily, weekly or current period reporting available. Ability to post all transactions related to cash receipts and payment in a single screen. Here we list the important advantages of using the SAP FBCJ cash journal: For deeper knowledge, check out our SAP cash journal configuration tutorial and other articles in our free online SAP FI training. We present the cash journal in this tutorial from an end-user perspective. Thus, the SAP FBCJ cash journal provides the cash position of an organization. It also calculates the balance of cash available with the firm after each cash receipt or payment is posted and allows the user to print a cash journal document. It is the online cash book for posting such transactions as a single screen entry in SAP. There are certain business transactions predefined to post in the cash journal, such as cash receipts, cash expenses, cash withdrawal from bank, etc. The SAP FBCJ cash journal can be used to record all transactions involving cash in place of posting a journal entry via transaction code FB50. In this tutorial we discuss SAP transaction code FBCJ - the cash journal.