Green tea comes in many different varieties, including matcha, sencha and bancha. The drinks such as bottled drinks or drinks prepared in coffee houses or tea shops are also it's part. According to Jeanette Kimszal (a registered dietitian nutritionist from New Jersey), an eight ounce cup of green tea contains between 20-50 mg of caffeine. You can see that there are a lot of variance in commercially-available tea drinks. The amount of caffeine in tea can be affected by many factors, including green tea. Matcha green teas and other powdered green tisanes may contain more caffeine. Green tea can have anywhere from 12 to 75 mg of caffeine, depending on its type.

This is about 1/4 of the caffeine found in a cup of coffee and approximately 1/2 of the caffeine in a cup of black tea. More complex and complete is the answer to this question. Pure green tea contains approximately 25 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce cup. Let's get to the bottom of your green tea-related questions about caffeine. Green tea contains caffeine, despite the common belief that it is caffeine-free. It was 3500 years before the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong discovered green tea. Legend has it that an Ethiopian goatherder discovered coffee around 850 AD after he saw his goats, who had eaten coffee beans, running in a field. Many learned "tea masters" extol its virtues. Green tea is a stimulant drink that has a long history. It has been revered in Asia for over 1000 years. Green tea is becoming a popular choice for a quick pick me up. It is also a vasoconstrictor that narrows blood vessels and increases blood pressure. Monica Auslander Moreno (registered dietitian, nutrition consultant at RSP Nutrition) says, "Caffeine has been shown to aid with attention, reactive time, as well to provide more energy and strength for physical activities." Caffeine is also a stimulant to the stomach, which can explain why you might find yourself running to the toilet after your morning cup. It is an energy source that many people rely on. Caffeine is a naturally occurring compound that can be found in 60 different plants, including tea and coffee. It is important first to understand the effects of caffeine on the body. Green tea has a higher level of caffeine than other beverages (such as coffee).