
Meaning of illuminations
Meaning of illuminations

meaning of illuminations

Such light could also help when painting, where overlapping strokes can be better controlled because of similar lighting. If this seems redundant, imagine the difficulty in following lines ruled with a punctorium (blind ruling) without such raking light (Figure 1). more parallel to the parchment (‘grazing’ or ‘raking’ light), a manuscript can expose an extraordinary dimension – texture. When illuminated in the same way, with light from the side as it would have been in a Scriptorium, i.e. It is not rare to find the scribe or copyist monk depicted as seated in profile at their working table, sometimes framed by the arches of the cloister 4.

meaning of illuminations

The position of the scribe and the angle of incidence of the light source are not clearly attested by written sources, but may be found in iconography 3. /lumnen/ Other forms: illuminations Illumination is light. Also called illuminance, intensity of illumination. an entertainment, display, or celebration using lights as a major feature or decoration. a decoration of lights, usually colored lights. It would reach the working table at an extreme angle 2, similar to a raking light, modelled by the orientation of the room and time of day. the fact or condition of being illuminated. We can make some interesting reflections on the characteristics of that light.


Medieval scribes complained of the difficulty and physical effort of the long and hard labour of illuminating or copying manuscripts with the dim light coming through the windows of the monasteries 1. Its genesis and sustained development reside in a collaboration of archivists, historians and computer scientists, the latter being not only in charge of the development of the software, but also of creating and incorporating novel pattern recognition for document analysis techniques. 2 In simpler terms, the aura is that feeling and presence that can only be felt in the original work in its presence in time and space. The suite is intended to ease considerably the process of bringing locked away historical materials to the attention of the general public by covering all the steps from managing a digital collection to creating interactive presentations suited for cultural exhibitions. The aura can be defined as a quality integral to an artwork that cannot be communicated through mechanical reproduction techniques. colored decorative lights outside that make a town look bright and exciting at night: the Blackpool illuminations. They are helped in this endeavor by sophisticated document analysis tools that allows for instance to spot words or patterns in images of documents. Specialists can add textual and multimedia data and metadata to digitized documents through a graphical interface that does not require technical knowledge.

meaning of illuminations


This software suite allows the augmentation and exploration of ancient documents of cultural interest. In this paper, we describe DocExplore, an integrated software suite centered on the handling of digitized documents with an emphasis on ancient manuscripts.

Meaning of illuminations